Some previous and on-going projects

COVID-19 Support Project

COVID-19 Support Project

Kids Dance Class

Language Class

Cultural Talks

Skill Acquisition
Proposed Programmes and Dates
Our proposed 2020 list of programmes and dates
- Virtual Business Analysis Training Day 1 - 14/11/2022
- Virtual Business Analysis Training Day 2 - 21/11/2022
- Thanksgiving & Xmas party (Santa is coming) - 03/12/2022
Meeting Dates
Our meeting holds bi-monthly on the 2nd Sunday of the month. Below are our meeting dates for 2021;
- 2021 February Meeting - 13/02/2022
- 2021 April Meeting - 10/04/2022
- 2021 June Meeting - 12/06/2022
- 2021 August Meeting - 14/08/2022
- 2021 October Meeting - 09/10/2022